Mapping Complexity
and Big Data Systems


NETS2MAPS is a project for the geometric modeling, mapping, analysis, and visualization of complex networks and big data systems.

Network geometry states that the architecture of real complex networks has a geometric origin. Under this approach, the elements of complex networks can be characterized by their positions in a latent hyperbolic underlying geometry so that the observable network topology is simply a reflection of their distances in this space.

This simple idea has led to the development of network geometry, a very general framework able to explain the most ubiquitous topological properties of real complex networks. Our models are able to explain in a very natural way highly non-trivial properties of real networks, like their self-similarity, community structure, and navigability.


The World Trade Atlas 1870-2013

The World Trade Atlas 1870-2013 Interactive Tools is an interactive graphical representation of the history of world trade from 1870 to 2013. It is based on the collection of annual world trade maps in hyperbolic space where distances incorporate the different dimensions that affect international trade, beyond mere geography (Scientific Reports 6, 33441 (2016) doi:10.1038/srep33441).

The atlas provides us with information regarding the long-term evolution of the international trade system and demonstrates that, in terms of trade, the world is not flat, but hyperbolic.

Run the World Trade Atlas

Mercator & D-Mercator

Geometric network models are able to explain in a very natural way highly non-trivial properties of real networks, like their self-similarity, community structure, or navigability properties. You can download Mercator for creating your own networks maps in the hyperbolic plane using our embedding tool Mercator. You can also create your own network maps in the hyperbolic space using our another embedding tool D‑Mercator

If you use Mercator or D-Mercator embeddings in a publication, do not forget to cite New J. Phys. 21, 123033 (2019) doi: 10.1088/1367-2630/ab57d2 or

Detecting Dimensionality

Code for inferring the intrinsic dimension of a real network in the geometric soft configuration/hyperbolic map model

Go to GitHub Reposiroty

Geometric Branching Growth

Code associated with the article "Scaling up real networks by geometric branching growth"

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Navigable Brain Maps Data

Data related to the article "Navigable maps of structural brain networks across species"

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Directed Geometric Networks

Code associated with the article "Geometric description of clustering in directed networks"

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M. Ángeles Serrano

ICREA & Universitat de Barcelona

Marián Boguñá Espinal

Universitat de Barcelona

Antoine Allard

Université Laval

Guillermo García-Pérez

University of Turku

Muhua Zheng

Jiangsu University

Pedro Almagro Blanco

Universitat de Barcelona

Amani Tahat

Universitat de Barcelona

Elisenda Ortiz

Universitat de Barcelona

Robert Jankowski

Universitat de Barcelona

Jasper van der Kolk

Universitat de Barcelona

NETS2MAPS (c) 2023
All rights reserved. |

Department of Condensed Matter Physics
Faculty of Physics, University of Barcelona
Martí i Franquès, 1 – 08028 Barcelona, Spain

James S. McDonnel Foundation Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats Universitat de Barcelona Institute of Complex Systems Universitat de Barcelona