Guillermo García-Pérez¹, Marián Boguñá¹, Antoine Allard¹, and M. Ángeles Serrano¹²
¹Departament de Física de la Matèria Condensada, Universitat de Barcelona, Martí i Franquès 1, E-08028 Barcelona, Spain
²Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats (ICREA), Passeig Lluís Companys 23, E-08010 Barcelona, Spain
The World Trade Atlas 1870-2013
The World Trade Atlas 1870-2013 Interactive Tool is an interactive graphical representation of the history of world trade from 1870 to 2013, a collection of annual world trade maps in which distances incorporate the different dimensions that affect international trade, beyond mere geography. The atlas provides us with information regarding the long-term evolution of the international trade system and demonstrates that, in terms of trade, the world is not flat, but hyperbolic.
Data Used
Barbieri, Katherine and Omar Keshk. 2012. Correlates of War Project Trade Data Set Codebook, Version 3.0. Online:
K. Barbieri, O. M. Keshk, and B. M. Pollins, Conflict Management and Peace Science 26, 471 (2009).
This work was supported by: a James S. McDonnell Foundation Scholar Award in Complex Systems; the ICREA Academia award, funded by the Generalitat de Catalunya; the MINECO project no. FIS2013-47282-C2-1-P; the Generalitat de Catalunya grant no. 2014SGR608; and the European Commission FET-Proactive Project MULTIPLEX (grant 317532). Processing application developed by Guillermo García-Pérez. Web developed by Martí Ribalta Albuixech.
Click on any country once (either in the list or in the map) to mark it and track its evolution. Marked countries appear in red in the map, while its links and first neighbours appear in light blue.
Click on any country twice to hide it. The country and its links disappear from the map. To show the country again, third click on it.
Click on the toolbox items to control the application or use your keybord as follows.
The focus must be on the application for the keyboard control to work (if you click outside the application the keys will not perform the described actions).
Supplementary Datasets
Database_S1 - Dyadic trade data from 1997 to 2013.
Table_S4 - Table containing the values of the disparity filter significance (alpha), the hyperbolic radius (R) and the elasticity parameter (beta) for every year.
Table_S5 - World trade maps containing the hyperbolic coordinates of all countries.
Table_S6 - Table containing the normalized distances (hyperbolic and angular) and connection probabilities between countries averaged over 100 embeddings.
Table_S7 - Partitions into communities obtained with the Critical Gap Method.