

Software | Data Center | Media




Detecting Dimensionality

Create your own network maps in the hyperbolic plane using our embedding tool Mercator

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Create your own network maps in the hyperbolic space using our embedding tool D‑Mercator

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Codes for inferring the intrinsic dimension of a real network in the geometric soft configuration/hyperbolic map model

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Geometric Branching

Directed Geometric Networks

Multidimensional Network Model

Code associated with the article “Scaling up real networks by geometric branching growth”

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Code associated with the article “Geometric description of clustering in directed networks”

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Code for generating synthetic network

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Data Center

The World Trade Atlas

Navigable Brain Maps Data

Brain Connectomes

Interactive graphical representation of the history of world trade from 1870 to 2013, based on the collection of annual world trade maps in hyperbolic space

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Data associated with the article “Navigable maps of structural brain networks across species”

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Connectomes (edge list) and their hyperbolic maps (coordinates and parameters), as well as the GR flows for 84 healthy subjects in the UL and HCP datasets

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